I’m posting this later than I’d hoped, as I speak of dates past in this post. However, just because I’m “late” in getting this up, I don’t want to throw it away. I believe this post still has value and can offer insight into this potent, healing month of March. I’ve been re-regulating and training my nervous system recently and as a result moving slower, honoring rest and honoring boundaries around my work and how much time I spend on the computer.
Here we are again: Pisces season (on the tail end now…). The grandmother of the water signs, and with Pisces comes deep emotions, heightened sensitivity, and a thinner veil to the spirit world. But because Pisces takes us to the spirit world through our feeling body, it can be an uncomfortable ride, one where we must surrender to our feelings, go deep into ourselves and be a witness to all that’s there.
I see this late wintertime and Pisces season (for us in the north) as an opportunity to harness the last window of winter’s yin magic. A time to go deeply and fully into ourselves. The last gales of winter wind, that ride upon the ice coated branches of trees awaiting their rebirth, call us to finish our inner wintering season of deep introspection. For soon it will be the time of rebirth. Winter’s final breath of darkness is upon us and it invites us to be quiet with ourselves just a little longer. I find winter to be the most intoxicating time of year for inner work, meditation and healing. The darkness wraps me in a cloak of nourishment, giving me all that I need to go deep within myself, to open my third eye, to see, to heal. If you live in the north, like I do, I invite you to take the last month or so of winter to go inward, rest and be quiet. For soon enough the light will return in full force and we will be called outside to plant seeds and frolic in the sun and warmth.
March is a big month astrologically. The biggest we’ve seen in a while. Before I go into detail about what’s coming, I want to wax poetic about Pisces season, the water element and being in the sea of emotions this sign has us swimming in. Pisces season enhances everything. It makes us extra sensitive- and for those already in that category, we need to slow down during this time of year. Slow down and surrender to the medicine of water, which is the medicine of deep feelings and the wisdom that lives in our emotions. You feel what you feel for a reason. It’s not an accident and it’s not hormones (I hear so many women say this). There is precious information in your feelings. Pisces season reminds us that we can trust this. We can trust our feelings and follow them, allow them to show us what needs attention- what needs healing.
I’ve dreamed of water the past three nights. Emotions and energies are surely stirring. Core wounds are being triggered and yet, I’m not triggered. For the first time I’m simply allowing and surrendering to all that arises with Pisces’ tides. All winter long I’ve been doing such beautiful inner work (maybe it’s paying off). So much love has emerged from sitting quietly with myself, breathing, meditating and reaching out to my plant allies (when I talk about plant allies I’m not talking about psychedelic plants, rather, it’s Mugwort, Calendula, Blue Vervain and Rose who speak to me of wisdom, healing and insight).
I know I often speak of potent times for inner work, shifting out of old patterns, rebirthing yourself and digging deep. This is a constant, ever unfolding path for me. Maybe it is for you too. I think all the time is ripe for this work. However, there are special windows- you might call it a portal- when the collective cosmic energy is supremely positioned to assist you in great internal shifts of consciousness. And one of those times is upon us now as March 2023 dawns. We begin this month with Chiron (teacher, healer, tender wounds) and Jupiter (wisdom, truth, abundance- the gift giver) conjunct in the sign of Aries. These two planetary bodies will be side by side for the entirety of March, with Venus adding her sparkly magic too. This is powerful healing energy! This conjunction will bring truth to the surface- truth about your core wounds- truth that liberates and facilitates deep healing, release and propels your forward on your path. As this energy is in the sign of Aries (self, determination, swiftness and fire) these revelations could come in quick bursts. The blasts of clarity you receive in March will spark a greater cycle of healing and wisdom that will support you throughout the year. So even if doesn’t feel profound or even grounded in the moment, this transit will initiate healing and movement in your life.
March is a month of new cycles. I know I speak of cycles often, as that is the nature of the earth and of our interiors, which of course, mirror this beautiful world.
On March 7th there’s a full moon in the sign of Virgo. This happens on the same day that Saturn (boundaries, structure, foundational/sustained change) moves from Aquarius into Pisces. This is a big deal. The last time Saturn changed signs was March of 2020… And though, because of other astrological factors, I don’t anticipate Saturn’s sign change to orchestrate such dramatic results, it’s still a big planet that we will all feel when it takes on a new energy. This is the beginning of a new cycle (for you personally and for the collective). Saturn builds. Saturn gives us the sustainable and necessary tools to bring something into being. Pisces is spirit, the transcendental, the boundless world of possibility, feeling, creativity, dreams and fantasy. Saturn in Pisces, among many things, will serve as a bridge to the higher frequencies of Pisces. In 1994, when I was seven years old, sitting in my first-grade classroom, I vividly remember looking around and thinking: “Whoa, I can’t believe I’m here again.” (Like, here on planet earth.) Saturn had just moved into Pisces. This energy can awaken deep spiritual memory and is a time when we are more connected to the spirit world and our own higher minds. The next three years is a time to commit to your spiritual path, where the potential to awaken dormant psychic gifts and touch the world or spirit is at an all-time high.
A full moon in Virgo is an invitation to surrender and though we are past the full moon, the healing energy resides within our heart. We are feeling the fullness of Pisces feelings and likely trying to take on all of life’s demands at the same time. This moon invites you to stop. Sometimes it can feel like you don’t have a choice- that you must do everything. The truth is, you don’t. Everything you are doing, you are choosing to do. You can take a day off. You can cancel those plans, skip class, put your homework (or whatever it is) off for a day. The more we operate in hyper-productivity, the more we reinforce a system that stresses and exhausts us. During this full moon, do less. Rest. Be quiet. Virgo can have us in our analytical mind, focused on details and tense as a result. Practices that calm and quiet the mind and body are supportive here. Uranus is involved in this moon as well, giving us a perspective shift- look at things in a new way. If you’ve been approaching the same problem/situation over and over, try something totally different. Uranus helps us to see things differently. Let this full moon illuminate a new, revelatory solution or way of doing things.
On March 24th Pluto begins its transition into the sign of Aquarius. For the next two-ish years Pluto will go back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius, initiating a whole new era and helping us learn the final lessons of the past cycle of Pluto in Capricorn (the last fifteen years). Pluto is the underworld journey, the subconscious, power, destruction, transformation. And most importantly, Pluto does all this SLOWLY. Pluto transits can be intense, but they also unfold (to find their full manifestation and meaning) over a long period of time. With Pluto moving into Aquarius we’re being initiated into a new twenty year cycle! We likely won’t see immediate changes, rather a slow unfolding and transformation over the next twenty years. Of course if you have placements in Aquarius- especially early degrees (or placements in Leo, Scorpio or Taurus) you’ve been feeling Pluto’s presence growing for a while. With Pluto think of it both as a slow, steady collective shift in consciousness as well as a slow inner (personal) transformation. We are officially in the Age of Aquarius and Pluto’s ingress into this sign on the 24th of March 2023, initiates us into this new paradigm of consciousness. The victim and the savior mentality is falling away. The empowered individual is rising! With this comes the new truth that ALL YOU NEED IS WITHIN. The student/teacher paradigm is falling away. Go directly to source. Trust yourself, your intuition and what you receive from your spiritual practices. Stop looking outside yourself- this is Age of Pisces thinking and Pluto heralds us into the Age of Aquarius!
Surrender to the month of March, it is an initiation of the the highest order and if you allow it, March 2023 will change you and raise your frequency in a way that has never happened before. I’m feeling it. Are you?