With eclipse season upon us and the Gemini/Sagittarius axis in focus, I thought it a prudent time to go deeper into Truth (with a capital T) and how it’s a spiritual and healing force.
I’ve always been candid. Direct, some have called it. Rude even. I’m not one for beating around the bush or softening blows. Though, I will admit that this quality was more pronounced when I was younger. I’ve since become more diplomatic in the truths I choose to tell and to whom I tell them. Not everyone wants to hear the truth and I had to learn that the hard way. Though my relationship with how I offer Truth to others has changed, I’m still a fierce advocate and servant of it.
The Truth is always right. The Truth is. It just is. Choosing to ignore it or hide from it doesn’t make it change or go away. The Truth is waiting for us to see it. Always. I’ve never understood people who didn’t want to hear the Truth. Isn’t it better to know the Truth than to hide in the mist of illusion? Even if it’s shocking or painful, isn’t Truth better than lies, even if the lies are meant to protect us? Like all things, there are big Truths- cosmic and world Truths- and there are small truths (that perhaps don’t deserve a capital T). I’m an advocate for all Truth and I’ll tell you why.
The Truth is an immensely healing force that will always correct you to the path that is most in alignment with your highest good and with your soul. However, not everyone chooses to live life in connection to their soul. There’s even debate in the spiritual community that some individuals on earth don’t have an individuated soul and thus no true inner compass guiding them towards their evolution, but that’s another topic entirely. My point is that some people fear the Truth. They see it as a destabilizing force rather than a re-stabilizing one. I’ve never feared the Truth. That’s not to say I haven’t resisted it, denied it, or fought like hell to change it. I have. But as soon as I surrender to Truth, I always feel a deepening in my heart, a rightness and then peace. As with all self-study and spiritual work, there’s an element of depth required. You must be willing to go beyond what you think you know. Our ego, which likes to be safe and in control (an illusion), will, in trying to protect us, prevent us from seeing the Truth. The ego’s nature is protective, but there’s a fine line between being protected and being imprisoned.
Your heart and the Truth are intimately connected. Perhaps they are even one and the same. When we finally surrender to the Truth, we feel peace. Your heart knows what is right for you. It just does. It’s the magic of your spirit that you can sense this. But we don’t always trust it. We don’t always follow our hearts. Why?
Like our intuition (another topic I plan to go deeper into), our hearts don’t follow logic. To follow your heart, you must trust in something greater, something invisible. You might call this Spirit, The Universe or God. Whatever you call it, it’s the greater perspective that sees beyond time and space. This force knows, and because it is inside us, we know too. We just don’t necessarily understand how or why we know. But we do know. Because the Truth is connected to our hearts, we feel the resonance of Truth when we hear it.
What is the Truth exactly? The Truth has as many faces as there are creatures upon this earth. Is there an absolute Truth to existence? Maybe. Probably. If there is, I don’t know what it is. What I do know is that Truth has a resonance. I can feel it. You can too. But if you’re living exclusively in the logical part of your brain, you might dismiss it. Most of us were raised to value logic and reason over intuition and spirituality. So, that’s another hurtle to connecting to the Truth: you have to be open to feeling it. Because the Truth can’t always be proven through facts and tangible evidence. Some Truths in this world can only be accessed through intuitive knowing. If you’re waiting for factual evidence for everything, you’ll be perpetually disappointed and you’ll imprison yourself in logic, which isn’t the whole picture. It’s like when a husband cheats on his wife. There’s a saying, ‘the wife always knows.’ She picks up on her husband’s energy and the subtle changes in his behavior and actions. Before she gets tangible proof (if she even does), she just knows. Because we have an inner Truth detector. We all do. It’s just a matter of how tuned in we are.
There are a few different ways the Truth registers within us. When the Truth hits us, we might get goosebumps, cry, feel a sensation deep in our chest or guts, or we might just know it’s true. You can strengthen this kind of intuition by paying closer to attention (to everything). Always notice how your body feels and responds to what you watch, read and interact with (humans, plants, animals, information, etc.).
Sometimes the Truth feels beautiful and affirming. Other times it feels painful and world shattering. The Truth is potent and multifaceted. It comes to us in many forms. As a rainbow or a raging tempest, the Truth is like a mother, both fierce and gentle depending on what we need.
There have been many times in my life, often while reading or listening to spiritual teachers that I have felt a strong resonance of Truth. Sometimes this Truth contradicts everything I thought I knew, and it conflicts with my current belief systems. Yet, still, I know it’s true. Sometimes the Truth is wildly affirming, like when I saw a psychic and she told me that I was persecuted and killed in a past life for expressing my beliefs (which, is why I feel so vulnerable sharing them in this life). Those kinds of Truths feel like a relief because somewhere deep down we already knew, but it didn’t make sense- we couldn’t articulate it, but when we hear it said aloud, we just know it’s real. Can I know with absolute certainty that what the psychic told me was true? No. There’s no tangible proof. But why is my own inner knowing and intuition not considered concrete? Because intuition isn’t considered credible, whereas logic is. However, I think that’s changing.
The Truth can be hard to accept, especially when it means we must change or face something painful, like ending a relationship. As humans, we like stability, certainty, and safety. Even if life isn’t perfect or even fulfilling, we’ll often choose to stay in places that feel safe rather than venture into lands unknown.
Our spirits ache to be free, to fulfill their desire and their purpose. The spiritual force of Truth will aid our spirits in getting what they want. It’s only our mind and ego that hold us back. The Truth is always there under the surface. Itching. We can’t always identify the itch, or where it’s coming from, but deep down we know if we’re not in alignment with Truth. If we sit with ourselves (if we’re honest with ourselves) we know if our hearts are asking for something more.
But it’s scary to take that step, to admit that our hearts yearn for something more than what we’re curently brave enough to move towards. For many people, it’s easier to ignore that itch and stay in a life that although comfortable, is not fulfilling. It takes real courage to follow your heart and thus the Truth. Because following your heart means something must change. Surrendering to Truth means admitting that you were living in the dim half-light of unconsciousness; it means admitting you have been lying to yourself, however innocently. It’s okay to be in that space. I have been, many times. It’s never too late to admit you’ve been unhappy or unfulfilled. But if you feel that itch of disconnection- where you’ve been suppressing the voice of your heart- it’s time to give yourself the gift of Truth and recognize that it’s time to face it and make the changes.
The Truth isn’t harsh in nature. We perceive it to be harsh because it’s a corrective force, meaning that when it comes, it forces us to confront pieces of our unconscious- pieces in shadow. This is healing, my friends. This is spiritual work. Most people resist it because it’s uncomfortable. The Truth can make us face what we’d rather not see. But just because we can’t see these parts of ourselves hardly means they don’t exist. (And if we don’t face them, they’ll come out in weird ways in an attempt to get our attention).
There can be an element of shame and embarrassment that comes with being hit by Truth. Truth can shatter our reality and leave us feeling blind. What we thought we knew isn’t true, and that can be devastating. Truth can shatters our reality; sometimes in a small way, but sometimes our whole world falls apart. If you walk the spiritual path, rest assured that this world-shattering will happen to you, probably many times over. It’s nothing to fear, rather it’s bringing you into deeper alignment with the Universe and with your heart. Be open to it. Practice non-attachment and don’t hold onto anything too tightly. Always leave a little room to be humbled and/or corrected. As humans, we don’t know everything and to pretend we do will only impede our path.
Surrender. Let the Truth destroy your delusions so that you can be corrected onto the path that is alignment with your heart. When the Truth comes, it means we’re ready for it, ready to take a step in a new direction and that is healing to the soul.