Support my work as a writer
Hey, thanks for visiting my donation page! What are you donating to, you may ask?
Ten years ago, I wrote a novel that was the first installment of a trilogy. My longest standing dream is to be an author, specifically fiction. I’ve known I wanted to write since I was twelve years old and since then I’ve always had creative writing projects going. I spent two solid years writing my first novel and for various reasons set it down for a long time (and focused on teaching yoga and worked on smaller fiction pieces). In October of 2023 it became clear that I needed to finish this trilogy, and so, amidst building my business and launching yoga retreats, I have been writing and editing this project in my spare time. As you might imagine, writing novels takes time. Your donation supports me to spend more time on my writing. If you feel inspired to donate, you are donating to an artist. You are supporting my longest standing dream of being an author and finishing this project. Any amount helps and I am deeply grateful. Other ways you can support me is to engage with any of my offerings: healing sessions, retreats or yoga classes. I am so grateful for your support and belief in me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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Any amount you feel inspired to donate supports me to spend time on my writing